FAQ’s for Tenants

Orange Property Management aims to create an experience for tenants that is enjoyable, easy, and creates a positive environment that supports long tenancies.


Do I need renters insurance?

We highly recommend taking out your own contents insurance policy. The Owner of the property holds insurance for the land and buildings only.

A flatmate is moving out; what do I do?

We understand that everyone’s situation may change at some point. If you have a change in a flatmate, contact us to arrange the necessary paperwork, or download the attached form and fill out the relevant sections.

We require anyone living at the property to be checked and placed on the tenancy for security reasons, this includes being added to the bond.

Can I end my fixed-term early?

If you want to end your fixed term early, you need to notify us in writing. You will be responsible for the advertising fees and all reasonable costs required to find a new tenant. You’re also responsible for rent payments until a new tenant moves in.

How do I request to make a minor change to the property?

Complete the attached form to request a minor change. We will deliberate with the Owner if we believe the change is minor or not. We will then either suggest return conditions, propose an alternative, or explain why your request has been denied.

How do I report urgent maintenance?

We have someone available 24 hours a day for urgent maintenance. Please call our 24-hour number outside of office hours.
If you can't get hold of us, please leave a message/text, and we will return your call as soon as we become available.

How do I end my tenancy?

If your fixed term is ending, or you are on a periodic tenancy, notify us in writing with at least 28 days’ notice from the next business day. We’ll likely be in contact before this to discuss your plans.

What do I do if I get locked out?

Call us to discuss your options. If it’s out outside of business hours, you will need a locksmith at your own cost.

We recommend Access Locks.

Who is responsible for lawns and gardens?

Lawns and gardens are the tenant's responsibility to maintain well unless otherwise outlined in your tenancy agreement.